A huge fan-made RDR 3 map

@Admirable-Class72 shared on Reddit an admirable creation that could represent the map of Red Dead Redemption 3. We can see on this drawing colors and graphic elements that respect the RDR environment and on top of that.. a HUUUGE map !

rdr 3 plan

This map takes of course elements of the previous games, even the whole map of them, and we can see that new places are added, like at the south of the map where Mexico was developed in the actual shape of the state. Some real places names are present but of course, it’s not in the habits of Rockstar Games to use real names of places or cars, so this is pure fantasy.. Even thought Bonnie McFarlane could be heard saying her brother moved to New York in the first game


Now the question is, wouldn’t a map like this would be too big ? Riding horse from an edge of the map to another one was already very long in the first game, and it is not probable that Rockstar planned to introduce airplanes in RDR 3… So, what do you think ?

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A huge fan-made RDR 3 map

@Admirable-Class72 shared on Reddit an admirable creation that could represent the map of Red Dead Redemption 3. We can see on this drawing colors and

End of red dead online

Red Dead Online is dead

It’s almost official : Red Dead Online is dead. It’s not really a surprise as it was very clear that Rockstar Games let RDRO without