improvements rdr3

Improvements we would like to see in RDR3

Red Dead Redemption 2 has been and is still a huge success, we can’t deny it. But of course after almost 5 years playing the game some failures appear and hope they get fixed in the 3rd RDR is present.


Speed of the game

The speed of the game is one of the thing that has been criticized in rdr2, the game is too slow and sometimes it takes for ever to do simples things such as getting on your horse or searching a dead body. Of course this is a consequence of the realism of the game so we can’t really complain about it, but maybe a better balance between realism and arcade to make the game more fluent could be appreciated


Things to buy

Yes, GTA-like games are known to have an objective : starting poor and finishing rich. In RDR2, you can only live like a hobo for the whole game sleeping in a camp and sleeping outside, almost on the floor. (a bum with golden revolvers yes)

Even Red Dead Online didn’t follow the GTA V trend where the developers have been adding a lot of content even 9 years after the release of the game, and yes owning mansions and other stuff is missing in the game.



YES. Rolling deserves an entire paragraph because it’s something that was completely part of the gameplay of RDR2 and replacing it by jumping on the floor was a huge mistake.



Red Dead Online seems to have a better server management than GTA V, with more complete games and possibility to join game servers while a game is in progress. Things missing in RDO is still things to buy, when the problem in GTA V is the opposite and offers maybe too much useless stuff (and too expensive), RDO seems abandoned by Rockstar and new activities, events and content added are missing…


Bonus : Mexico

Bigger is better so we all wish Mexico will be back if Rockstar decides to add a new map to the existing ones as they did for RDR2 😉


All these “problems” only exist because we know Rockstar always set the bar very high and of course Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great well-finished game, but gamers will always expect more from their favorite game 😉


And you ? What do you think could be better in RDR3 ?

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