What is the release date of Red Dead Redemption 3 ? Of course Rockstar Games didn’t make the announcement yet and didn’t even confirm that the game was in development. But we, fans, know how they work and how they manage the suspense until the last minute, so we can easily deduct that yes, RDR3 si on its way
Release date estimation
Rockstar Games doesn’t always release its games in the same time than the previous one, – Remember : GTA Vice City : 2002, GTA SA : 2004, GTA IV : 2009 and GTA V : 2013 – and RDR2 came 8 long years after the first one.
So, the optimist scenario would be around 2025 and a more realistic one would be around 2028 ! Yes, 10 years after, it’s very long but it’s what is about to happen with GTA VI still not announced almost 9 years after its release.
All we have to do is be patient …